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Begin by thoroughly cleaning your natural lashes - no oils, mascara, concealer, skincare products or makeup of any kind around the eye area.
1. Bond: Working from outer to inner corner, comb Multi-Day Lash Bond through base of natural lashes in sections.
Tip: Focus bond application on the base of your natural lashes, close to the lash line on the underside of your upper lashes.
Next, apply Lash Bond across top of the Velour-Xtension™ lash band for fusing to natural lashes. Wait 10-15 seconds for the bond to get tacky.
2. Apply: Once the bond has become tacky, use the applicator tip of the Too Real Lash Extension Tool to place the Velour-Xtension™ lash cluster on the underside of your upper lashes, ensuring not to touch skin. Let completed look set for at least 1 minute before proceeding to Step 3.
Tip: Use the angled tip of the Too Real Lash Extension Tool to gently press Velour-Xtension™ lashes into the root of your natural lashes. Work from outer to inner corner.
3. Fuse: Using the applicator tip of the Too Real Lash Extension Tool, follow your lash line to clamp down and fuse the Velour-Xtensions™ and natural lashes together to secure. Repeat for each cluster.
4. Final Look: Keep lashes dry for 24 hours before exposing to water and moisture.
Removal: To remove Velour-Xtensions™, apply an oil-based makeup remover on a cotton pad, holding the pad over your eyelids and lashes for a few seconds to loosen the bond before sliding off Velour-Xtensions™.
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