A sleep mask, made with slipsilk™ and designed for 8 hours of uninterrupted beauty sleep.
Choose slipsilk
TM to reduce friction, especially if you've had a blow-dry.
Laboratory tests show that slipsilk
TM creates an average of 43% less friction or "resistance" compared to ordinary cotton pillowcases
(1), which is good news for beauty sleep.
The world's leading hairdressers have long recommended sleeping on silk, which is soft on hair and helps maintain your blow-dry.
(1) Compared with widely available cotton pillowcases with a 220-360 thread count
Mulberry silk and silk filler
Use up to 8 hours daily for maximum results.
100 Percent Pure Mulberry Silk (22 Momme), 100 Percent Pure Silk Filler.
This ingredients list is subject to change: please check the product packaging.