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1- PURPOSE Sephora’s loyalty program (hereinafter referred to as the “Loyalty Program”) is a regional Loyalty Program created by SEPHORA SAS with a share capital of 78 256 500 euros, having its registered office at: 41, rue Ybry, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine - RCS (trade and companies register) reference: Nanterre 393 712 286 (“Sephora SAS”), and managed locally by each local SEPHORA entity part of the regional Program (hereinafter, “Sephora”). Further details of the local Sephora entities, the regions that they service and any local specifications of the Loyalty Program are set out in Appendix 2. Local Sephora entities within the scope of the regional Loyalty Program constitutes the loyalty area (hereinafter “Loyalty Area”). These Terms & Conditions (hereinafter “T&Cs”) are concluded between the Loyalty Program members (hereinafter “Members”) and the Sephora entity of the country where they signed up to the Loyalty Program (“Local Sephora”) to define the conditions under which the Members benefit from the Loyalty Program. The T&Cs are accessible, in the language of the country where the Member signed up to the Loyalty Program, at any time by a link on the Local Sephora website and in all the stores of the Local Sephora in paper format.

2- MEMBERSHIP IN THE PROGRAM A Member must be over 16 years old to participate in the Loyalty Program. A Member must accept these T&Cs when subscribing to the Loyalty Program. Membership in the Loyalty Program does not require any purchases of any products or service from Sephora and is completely free of charge. It is limited to one membership per physical person, per email address and Phone number (i.e. same last name, first name, email address/Phone number). If Sephora notes that the same person holds multiple loyalty accounts, it reserves the right to consolidate all the data, points, and other benefits of the Member to a single loyalty account and deactivate the additional accounts. Sephora reserves the right to request, at any time, the identification information of the person wishing to sign up or having signed up to the Loyalty Program, particularly to confirm whether an account already exists for that Member and to prevent homonyms situation. A person may subscribe to the Loyalty Program in their country of residence on the Local Sephora website (the “Website”), on the Local Sephora mobile application (available on iOs and Android) (the “App”) and in the stores of such country. When joining the Loyalty Program, the Member is invited to fill in their personal information on the website, the App or to provide such information to the in-store beauty advisor. The processing of this personal information is carried out in accordance with Article 5 “Personal Data” of these T&Cs. Once the subscription is completed, the Member will receive a confirmation via email including a personal electronic card code within the Loyalty Program. This card code is the Member unique ID within the Program. Sephora does not provide physical Loyalty Program cards to Members. Membership in the Loyalty Program can only be successful if the information provided at the time of subscription is complete and complies with the requested format . It is the Member's responsibility to keep their information up to date by updating it online on the Local Sephora Website or App, or in-store. Sephora cannot in any event be held liable if the Member does not receive an offer due to outdated or inaccurate information, except if the inaccuracy of the Member’s Data is due to Sephora. In such circumstances, a Member may contact Sephora to receive the due offer and update their information.

The Loyalty Program allows the Members to benefit from some advantages which entitle them to various rewards to be collected from the Local Sephora depending on: · the purchases made in all the Loyalty Area (i.e. not just the Local Sephora), and; · the other actions – as mentioned in the Loyalty Program – carried out in their Local Sephora. The benefits and rewards of the Loyalty Program depend on the Member’s status determined by the number of loyalty points earned in accordance with these T&Cs (hereinafter, “Loyalty Points”). A Member earns Loyalty Points for each transaction concluded in the Loyalty Area stores. However, Loyalty Points are only redeemable at a Member’s Local Sephora (whether online or in-store). For in-store transactions at a Local Sephora, Loyalty Points will be credited to the Member’s account within 24 hours following the transaction time. See Appendix 2 for details of the process for collecting points at a Sephora store in the Loyalty Area depending on the location of the relevant Sephora. Loyalty Points may also be earned for the transactions concluded on the Website or App For transactions on the Website or App, Loyalty Points will be credited to a Member’s account within 24 hours following the shipment of the order. If following a purchase which earns Loyalty Points, a Member returns a purchased product for a refund, the Member will forfeit such Loyalty Points and they will be deducted from the Member's account. If a product is exchanged, the Member will only receive points in respect of the secondary transaction for the exchanged product and the original points shall be deducted from the Member's account. In addition, bonus points for engagement (hereinafter “Bonus Points”) may be earned through several actions at Local Sephora as described below: · using Sephora services; · rating and reviewing products; · performing a mission or participating in a special operation determined by Sephora and connected to a promotional campaign - the conditions of particular campaign will be specified in the relevant communications relating to that campaign. The number of Loyalty Points and Bonus Points (hereinafter, “Points”) that a Member can earn via the various methods above is set out in Appendix 3 on a per country basis. Loyalty Points and Bonus Points are cumulative. The Points accumulated by a Member within the Loyalty Program are capped on a per Country basis, as set out in Appendix 5. A Member shall not be able to earn more Points than the relevant cap. Therefore, all points exceeding the cap won’t be taken into account. A Member can find out the number of Points they have available: · by contacting the Local Sephora customer service through online chat; · checking their accounts (Website or App); Points are valid for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date that they are awarded by Sephora. If after a period of 12 (twelve) months, Points earned are not used, such Points will expire and shall be removed from a Member's Points counter. The Member status is valid for 12 months from the date of acquisition and recalculated annually on the acquisition anniversary.

3.1 – Bronze Status The bronze status (“Bronze Status”) is appointed to all new Members of the Loyalty Program. With the Bronze Status, the Member will: · have the right to certain rewards depending on the number of Points earned (further detail of the thresholds for certain rewards is set out in the Appendix 3; · have the right to participate in “My Sephora Events”; · receive a permanent discount of 10% (ten per cent) on two favorite brands selected by the Member (“Favorite Brands”).If the Member choses Sephora Collection as Favorite Brand, they may be eligible for a discount up to 15% (fifteen per cent). Should favorite brands not be selected, the Member won’t be able to benefit from this advantage; · receive a birthday gift benefit (if the Member elects to provide their date of birth). To receive the birthday offer, a Member must provide their birth date at least 24 hours before their birthday. A Member may only redeem the birthday offer once in a 12 months period, regardless of any updates or changes made to the date of birth.. Further details on the advantage set out above are set out in the Appendix 1. When a Bronze Status Member earns enough Loyalty Points to meet the thresholds set out in Appendix 4, a Member may select one of the rewards described below: · a voucher in the conditions as set out in the Appendix 1 · a product from a select list of products provided by Local Sephora, or; · require a donation from Local Sephora to a charitable cause or organisation If a Member chooses the charity donation as its reward, the Local Sephora will make the relevant donation. No tax receipt will be issued for Members in respect of such donation. The Member can choose to redeem multiple rewards in the same transaction.

3.2 Silver Status

The silver status (“Silver Status”) is granted to Members who have reached the applicable threshold (as detailed in Appendix 4). Members will be informed of a change in status by email and in their personal account.

· Members with Silver Status will receive all of the Bronze Status benefits and in addition: free standard delivery for all purchases on the Local Sephora Website (regardless of price).

3.3 – Gold Status

The gold status (“Gold Status”) is granted to Members who have reached the threshold applicable in the Local Sephora, as detailed in Appendix 4. Members will be informed of a change in status by email and in their personal account.

Members with Gold Status will receive all the Bronze Status and Silver Status benefits and in addition:

· Free Premier next day delivery for all purchases on the Local Sephora Website(regardless of price). Premier Next day delivery is only available to Mainland UK for orders placed prior to the specified cut off time. Next day deliveries arrive the next day for orders placed by 6pm Sunday-Friday. Next day delivery will not be offered at checkout for any excluded areas such as: Northern Island, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Scottish Lowlands, IOM, Channel Islands, Scilly, and a number of England/Scotland Border postcodes. Premier Delivery may be unavailable during certain periods of the year such as Black Friday and Christmas. invitation to participate to special events.

Sephora reserves the right to grant additional benefits to any or all Gold Status Members on a discretionary basis; these temporary benefits do not constitute an obligation of Sephora under any circumstances.

3.4 – Conditions to keep the status

To retain a status, a Member must earn the required number of Points for Silver or Gold Status (as set out in Appendix 4) during 12 (twelve) months rolling period from the date they reach the status. If required number of Points are not earned, Sephora reserves the right to downgrade the Member to the status corresponding to the Points earned during the 12 (twelve) rolling months.

For each Member with Silver or Gold Status, Sephora will check the number of Points accumulated, 30 (thirty) days after the date that they obtained or maintained this Status, to check the amount of products returns that have been performed by the Member, for which the latter may have received a refund from the date of access to or in maintaining this Status. If the cumulative amount of refunds following products returns, bring the number of Points accumulated below the required threshold over the last rolling 12 months, the Member will cease to enjoy this Status and will be downgraded to the status corresponding to the Points effectively earned.

If a Member does not meet the conditions to maintain the Silver or Gold Status, they will cease to enjoy the benefit of this Status and will be downgraded.

3.5 – Loyalty Area

The Loyalty Program is a regional Program gathering Sephora entities of the Loyalty Area. In this context, the Members have the possibility to:

· Earn Loyalty Points in-store in all the Loyalty Area;

· Earn Loyalty Points online (Website and App) and Bonus Points at the Local Sephora;

· Redeem the Points at the Local Sephora (Website or in-store).

A Member must provide their card code (or other identification requested by a sales advisor to identify the Member, if the card code is not available) in order to earn Points for purchases made in the Loyalty Area.

E.g: a Member who signed up to the Loyalty Program in United Kingdom purchases a product in a Sephora store in Poland. The Member wants this transaction to be taken into account in the context of the Loyalty Program in order to earn the corresponding Points. the Sephora UK Member will provide their relevant personal data details for the sales advisor to ensure that the Points are credited to the Member loyalty account.

It is expressly understood that earning Points by the Members is only possible in the Loyalty Area (see Appendix 2). For the avoidance of doubt, any transaction at Sephora outside the Loyalty Area won’t allow earning Points.


4.1 – Individual Program

The card code of the Loyalty Program is personal and reserved for individuals for their own personal and non-professional use (the Loyalty Program card code cannot be transferred and there can only be one card code per person).

Points, rewards and other benefits (including vouchers) cannot be transferred to another individual and cannot be redeemed in cash.

Sephora reserves the right to perform any inspection to verify the validity of the subscription to the Loyalty Program. If Sephora finds out that a person holds more than one Loyalty Program card code, the Member's data and benefits will be counted only once within a single card code and the redundant card code will be deactivated and purged of their duplicate points and benefits.

4.2 – Redeeming Points

The three statuses of the Loyalty Program allow the Members to benefit from several rewards depending on the thresholds determined by the Local Sephora. Once the thresholds are reached, the Members are informed by email, subject to compliance with the applicable laws, and can redeem the Points in order to benefit from the unlocked rewards. Once a reward is unlocked by redeeming the applicable Points, the redeemed Points will be deducted from the Member’s total Points.

The rewards may only be used as described below:

· The rewards may be picked up at Local Sephora online (Website or App), and in-store at Local Sephora stores only.

· The rewards are available for a maximum period of 6 (six) months from the date of the unlocking. At the end of the availability period, the rewards are canceled, and the Points are not redeemable.

· If a Member’s status is upgraded or downgraded, they will still be able to benefit from any rewards unlocked prior to the change in status

· The applicable rewards catalogue is the one live at the time the Points are redeemed.

· Rewards are cumulative. Therefore, Members may benefit from all the rewards unlocked during the period mentioned above.

When sent, gifts are sent only to postal addresses in the Local Sephora country.

The reward(s) unlocked by the Loyalty Points earned for the purchase of a product may be cancelled, if this product is returned and refunded to a Member.

All the information relating to the Loyalty Program (status, rewards unlocked, number of Points…) is accessible on the online account, in-store or by contacting customer service. The contact details for the customer service are available in Appendix 1.


Sephora SAS and the Local Sephora act as joint data controllers for the processing of the Members’ data carried out in the context of the Loyalty Program. 5.1 – Collection methods

The Local Sephora collects the personal data (“Personal Data”) concerning the person wishing to join the Loyalty Program at the time of the subscription on:

· its Website or App via a membership form; or

· in store by the sales advisors.

If a customer already has an online account and wishes to subscribe to the Loyalty Program, they only need to complete the online process and fill in any missing Personal Data if necessary. All the other Personal Data of the online account not modified at the signing-up to the Loyalty Program is considered as updated in the Member’s profile.

The Local Sephora will use and process the Personal Data of the Members’ profile within the framework of the Loyalty Program under the conditions set forth herein as well as under the Privacy and Cookies Policy.

In addition, if a Member has an online account having signed-up in-store already and wishes to link their Loyalty account to their online account in order to benefit from the advantages of the Loyalty Program online, they will have to fill in their card code and, if necessary, complete the missing Personal Data, and if needed, verify certain inconsistent information.

5.2 – Data collected

The Local Sephora collects only adequate, relevant, and limited Personal Data in the context of the Loyalty Program.

To join the Loyalty Program, a Member must provide the following information: civility, last name, first name, postal address, date of birth, and email address and/or phone number. The Local Sephora may also collect optional Personal Data at the time of the signing-up for specific offers (ex : date of birth).

In addition, the Local Sephora will collect and generate information regarding the Members activities in the framework of the Loyalty Program and the interactions with Sephora services (card code, Loyalty status, number of Points, purchase history, purchases habits...).

All the Personal Data collected or generated within the Loyalty Program are processed for the purposes as described below.

5.3 – Purposes

The Local Sephora processes Members Personal Data for the purpose of managing the Loyalty Program, on a contractual basis, in particular the management of Members’ eligibility for the various benefits of the Loyalty Program and ensure its proper execution.

In addition, subject to the compliance with applicable laws, Personal Data is used:

· to send transactional communication to inform Members about any information related to the management of the Loyalty Program, on a contractual basis ;

· to send offers and benefits of the Loyalty Program to Members, on the basis of legitimate interest;

· to send specific offers or communication to Members based on their interests and preferences, based on Sephora’s legitimate interest. Information concerning the Members’ activities and interactions with the Local Sephora are combined to refine their profile and knowledge.

When a Member has accepted the use of cookies and other tracking technologies on the Website and/or App, the browsing information collected are also :

· used to improve the knowledge of a Member's preferences and to offer them a personalized experience;

· combined with the Personal Data collected in the context of the Loyalty Program in order to display targeted advertisements on the Website or App, as well as on third-party websites.

In no event will a Member’s Personal Data be processed in a way incompatible with the purposes specifically defined in the T&Cs.

5.4 – Retention Period

The Members Personal Data are retained by Sephora SAS and the Local Sephora for no longer than is reasonably necessary for the purposes for which it has been collected as described in the T&Cs. Sephora keeps the Personal Data for the duration of the subscription to the Loyalty Program, in addition to any applicable legal time limits, in particular for the purpose of keeping proof of transactions and enabling Sephora to meet its legal obligations.

A person is no longer considered as an active Member, and their Personal Data may be therefore deleted by Sephora.

A member is considered as inactive when (i) the member has not made any purchases at Sephora (including within the Loyalty Area) for a minimum period of 18 months, and (ii) the member stopped

interacting with Sephora (no click in the emails sent by the Local Entity, no login into the online account, no order, no contact with customer service) for a minimum period of 18 months.

It is understood by the Members that the deletion of their Personal Data due to inactivity includes the deletion of the Points and all advantages of the Loyalty Program.

5.5 – Recipients

Members Personal Data collected by the Local Sephora is shared with Sephora SAS for it to process such Personal Data as a joint data controller for the management of the Loyalty Program. Sephora SAS and the Local Sephora have concluded an intragroup agreement in compliance with applicable laws that sets out the responsibilities and duties of each of them.

Members Personal Data is also shared with Sephora’s service providers and subcontractors where necessary for the management of the Loyalty Program, such as the providers that manage:

· the offers and benefits for Members;

· the communications sent to the Members such as mail carriers or e-mail marketing providers;

· data storage such as cloud service providers.

Sephora shall enter into an agreement with any service provider carrying out data processing on behalf of Sephora that complies with applicable data protection laws and which requires such provider to implement all necessary measures to guarantee the protection, the security and the confidentiality of the Personal Data processed.

In addition, to allow the Members to earn Points in the Loyalty Area, the entities within the scope of the Loyalty Area will have access to the Members Personal Data on request. Therefore, the entities members of the Loyalty Area have signed an intragroup agreement to frame this Personal Data processing.

5.6 – Personal Data Transfers

Sephora shall only transfer Personal Data outside a Member’s country in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Any transfer outside the Members’ country will be limited to what is strictly required to benefit from the Loyalty Program and will be subject to the implementation of any legal mean recognized by the applicable laws that provide the appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, the confidentiality, and the protection of Personal Data as may be required by applicable laws.

If required by the applicable laws, Members will be informed of any Personal Data transfers outside their country. Members acknowledge that they are fully aware that earning Points in the Loyalty Area, at their own request, requires an access to the Personal Data by the country where the Points are earned.

At any time, the Members may request detailed information about the safeguards implemented by Sephora to ensure the compliance of Data transfers.

5.7 – Members’ rights

At any time, the Members may exercise their rights as determined by the applicable data protection laws, in particular their rights of access, rectification, deletion, objection, restriction of processing, and

portability of the Personal Data by contacting in writing the privacy contact of their Local Sephora as detailed in Appendix 1 (hereinafter “Privacy Contact”).

A Member (or their legal representative) may also exercise their right to object to decisions based on profiling by contacting the Privacy Contact in writing.

Sephora may ask questions or require identification documents to identify the person exercising their right.

The Members may also, at any time, verify and/or modify the Personal Data entered in their account by visiting their online account on the Website or the Mobile Application.

In addition, the Members have the rights to refer any claim or complaint concerning the Personal Data processing to the competent supervisory authority in their country.

5.8 – Additional information

For more complete information on the processing of Personal Data, Members are invited to read Sephora's Privacy and Cookies Policy available on the Website and in-store.

For any question related to the collection and processing of Personal Data by Sephora, Members may contact the Privacy Contact of their Local Sephora.


Sephora may, at any time, and for strategic reasons modify the Loyalty Area by adding or removing Sephora entities.

Furthermore, Sephora reserves the right, at any time, to modify these T&Cs, in particular for the following reasons:

a) a change in the generally applicable provisions of law or their interpretation applied by authorized bodies, having a direct impact on the content of the T&Cs,

b) a judgment, decision, or other similar act by a court or an authorized public authority having a direct impact on the content of the T&Cs,

c) preventing violations of the T&Cs or counteracting abuses,

d) removing ambiguities or interpretation doubts regarding the content of the T&Cs,

e) a change in the process of Members joining the Program,

f) a change in Sephora's commercial or marketing strategy,

g) modifying the Loyalty Area by removing Sephora entities.

If such modifications are substantial, the Local Sephora will inform the Members by the means it deems most appropriate (e.g. post, email, SMS, Push Notifications, news online and in-store…) with a reasonable notice period. The new T&Cs shall then apply when a Member continues to use the Loyalty Program after information/notification and posting of the T&Cs.

The most recent version of the T&Cs is available on the Website and in-store. Sephora invites the Members to consult the T&Cs regularly.

Sephora also reserves the right to modify or suspend the Loyalty Program. In the event that the Loyalty Program is canceled or discontinued or there is a complete overhaul of the Loyalty Program resulting in the loss of advantages and/or Points accumulated, Members will be informed by the means that Sephora deems most appropriate (e.g. post, email, SMS, news online and in-store…) with a reasonable notice period. If a Member fails to use the Points accumulated prior to cancellation or discontinuation of the Loyalty Program, the Points and/or advantages will be permanently unavailable unless stipulated otherwise.

In addition, Sephora cannot guarantee that unused Points accumulated will be reused in any form whatsoever in the context of an evolution of the Loyalty Program.


Sephora is the exclusive owner of the Sephora trademarks and the logos used in the Loyalty Program.

The Members acknowledge Sephora’s exclusive rights to the Sephora trademarks and logos and shall not use such elements in any way whatsoever, and more generally, shall not infringe Sephora's intellectual property rights.


The Loyalty Program is designed to provide benefits to Members based on their activities and interactions with Sephora.

The Loyalty Program also assumes that Members shall comply with these T&Cs and behave fairly towards Sephora. Consequently, Sephora reserves the right to suspend a Member’s Loyalty Program account, or even permanently deactivate a Member’s Loyalty Program account and, if applicable, cancel the associated benefits, in the event of breach of the T&Cs or abuse by the Member in the use of the Loyalty Program and/or with respect to Sephora.

Sephora may carry out this suspension and/or deactivation after notifying a Member by the means it deems most appropriate, without the Member being able to claim any compensation, particularly in the following cases:

· in the event of fraud, attempted fraud or theft by a Member in a store and/or on Sephora’s websites or mobile applications,

· in the event of inappropriate use or misuse of the Loyalty Program,

· in case of actions likely to disrupt the operation of Sephora’s websites or mobile applications, the operation of the Loyalty Program or the operation of stores,

· Reasonable suspicion of a violation by the Member of the T&Cs, affecting the unjustified award of points or lack of deduction of points from the Member's account, or unjustified granting of other benefits in the Program

· in the event of a payment incident (incident that prevents Sephora from being paid) that is not resolved within one month of a reminder from Sephora,

· in the event of outrageous, racist, homophobic, sexist comments and/or posts or which affect human dignity and fundamental freedoms;

· more generally, in the event of failure to comply with the provisions of these T&Cs.

In the event of a violation as described above, Sephora may unblock the Member's account after an internal investigation. Each Member has the right to provide their justification/explanation of any action by the Member that Sephora suspects to be a violation of these T&Cs.

Notwithstanding the above, Sephora may deactivate a Member’s account with immediate effect if the Member repeatedly (regardless of prior warnings) or grossly violates the T&Cs.

In addition, Sephora may terminate a Member’s Loyalty Program account at any time with a notice period of 2 (two) months allowing the Member to redeem the earned Points if:

a) the Member has not performed any activity under the Loyalty Program for more than 1 (one) year;

b) the Member breaches the provisions of these T&Cs in a way that does not justify exclusion from the Program with immediate effect.

A Member’s Loyalty Program account may also be terminated by the Member anytime via email to the Privacy Contact for any reason. The Member will then have to create a new Loyalty Program account if they want to start earning Points and once again enjoy the benefits of the Loyalty Program.

Upon termination of a Member’s account, the Member’s registration extinguishes, and they may no longer earn and redeem points.


To the extent permitted by the applicable laws in the Local Sephora country, Sephora is exempt from all liability for any consequences, direct or indirect, of any malfunction of the Loyalty Program. In the event of a malfunction, Sephora will nonetheless use its best efforts to ensure that the Members can retain the benefit of their Points.

Sephora shall do its best to provide the benefits as described to the Member. In the event a certain benefit or reward is unavailable, Sephora may substitute such benefit or reward for another benefit or reward. If a product is no longer available as a gift, Sephora reserves the right to replace it.

If a product given as an advantage is defective, Sephora shall replace it with a non-defective product. The replacement product will be issued to the relevant Member only and in accordance with Sephora's policies.


These T&Cs will be enforced and interpreted in accordance with the applicable laws in the country of the Local Sephora.

If applicable, the Local Sephora will provide any applicable information to a mediation service or similar service.

Appendix 1: Local Sephora Information and Local Specificities

A. Local Sephora information

Feelunique International Limited trading as Sephora UK a company registered in the United Kingdom, under registration number 7883226 and our registered address is Mowbray House, Castle Meadow Road, Nottingham, NG2 1BJ, United Kingdom.

Address: 5th Floor, Russell Square House, 10-12 Russell Square, London, WC1B 5EH. e-mail: privacy@sephora.co.uk Competent supervisory authority: The Information Commissioner Office ; https://ico.org.uk.

B. Local specificities Complaints

In the event of a dispute between the Customer (Member) and the Seller (Sephora) arising from the Member's participation in the Loyalty Program, the Member must raise this dispute with Sephora and both parties will enter into good faith discussions to resolve the dispute. In addition, in accordance with the provisions of consumer law in the United Kingdom, if Sephora fails to resolve any complaint made by the Member, the Member may also be able to lodge a complaint with the relevant ombudsman or Trading Standards. To find out more about how to lodge any such complaint, or for further information about how to resolve a dispute, the Member may wish to consult the Citizens Advice Bureau at https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/.

B. Local specificities Complaints

In the event of a dispute between the Customer (Member) and the Seller (Sephora) arising from the Member's participation in the Loyalty Program, the Member must raise this dispute with Sephora and both parties will enter into good faith discussions to resolve the dispute. In addition, in accordance with the provisions of consumer law in the United Kingdom, if Sephora fails to resolve any complaint made by the Member, the Member may also be able to lodge a complaint with the relevant ombudsman or Trading Standards. To find out more about how to lodge any such complaint, or for further information about how to resolve a dispute, the Member may wish to consult the Citizens Advice Bureau at https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/.

1. BRONZE member advantages

Birthday gift

Advantage granted: + 25 pts bonus points in one purchase

Online: To be collected with a purchase

Store: To be collected with or without a purchase.

Validity period: 1 month from the date of birthday

Favorite brands

Advantage granted: 10% discount on all products from a chosen brand, or 15% for Sephora Collection.

Customers can choose 2 favorite brands in the list of brands provided by Sephora and available on Sephora.co.uk or in store.

This list is subject to change at any time. At any time, Customers can check at any time the list of brands eligible for the “Favorite Brand” offer in Store by requesting a BA or in eStore in “My Offers” section of the loyalty account. Customers can also check if their chosen favorite brand is still available in the list before performing a purchase.

Validity period: The Customers can change the Favorite brands every 6 months. If no change is made, the favorite brand will remain the same, unless it is removed from the list of eligible brands.

2. SILVER member advantages

Birthday gift

Advantage granted: Gift

Online: To be collected with a purchase

Store: To be collected with or without a purchase.

Validity period: 1 month from the date of birthday

Favorite brands

Advantage granted: 10% discount on all products from a chosen brand, or 15% for Sephora Collection.

Customers can choose 2 favorite brands in the list of brands provided by Sephora and available on Sephora.co.uk or in store.

This list is subject to change at any time. At any time, Customers can check at any time the list of brands eligible for the “Favorite Brand” offer in Store by requesting a BA or in eStore in “My Offers” section of the loyalty account. Customers can also check if their chosen favorite brand is still available in the list before performing a purchase.

Validity period: The Customers can change the Favorite brands every 6 months. If no change is made, the favorite brand will remain the same, unless it is removed from the list of eligible brands.

3. GOLD member advantages

Birthday gift

Advantage granted: Gift

Online: To be collected with a purchase

Store: To be collected with or without a purchase.

Validity period: 1 month from the date of birthday

Favorite brands

Advantage granted: 10% discount on all products from a chosen brand, or 15% for Sephora Collection.

Customers can choose 2 favorite brands in the list of brands provided by Sephora and available on Sephora.co.uk or in store.

This list is subject to change at any time. At any time, Customers can check at any time the list of brands eligible for the “Favorite Brand” offer in Store by requesting a BA or in eStore in “My Offers” section of the loyalty account. Customers can also check if their chosen favorite brand is still available in the list before performing a purchase.

Validity period: The Customers can change the Favorite brands every 6 months. If no change is made, the favorite brand will remain the same, unless it is removed from the list of eligible brands.

4. Conditions of gift collection

The gift reward can be collected by the Member online or in store subject to making a transaction.

5. Conditions of gift return

Returns of gifts are not accepted. 6. Customer Service contact

For any question related to the Member’s loyalty program, please contact the Local Sephora Customer Care Team by email on care@sephora.co.uk or to find all the ways to contact them please click here.

Appendix 2: Loyalty Area

Automatic points earning

For purchases only in Sephora stores of this list of countries, the clients enrolled in the MySEPHORA loyalty program will earn points automatically after the transaction; Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Serbia, Germany, Turkey, United Kingdom, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrein, Saudi Arabia, UAE

Points will be credited to a Member’s account within 24 hours following the transaction or activity time.

The transaction value will be converted according to the exchange rate between the currencies of the country where the transaction takes place and the Member’s Local country, on the day of the transaction.

Points are then calculated according to the rules specified in Appendix 3.

Ticket injection to earn points

For purchases only in Sephora stores of this list of countries, the clients enrolled in the MySEPHORA loyalty program will have to keep the transaction receipt, and call the Customer Service of their Local Country within a maximum period of 30 days following the transaction day to earn points related to the transaction; Greece, Spain, France, Portugal, Italia, Romania.

Points will be credited in the next 24 hours following the call to Customer Service.

The transaction value will be converted according to the exchange rate between the currencies of the country where the transaction takes place and the Member’s Local country, on the day of the transaction.

Points are then calculated according to the rules specified in Appendix 3.

Appendix 3: Earn of Loyalty Points and Bonus Points in the Local country


Transaction point value: 1 pt = £ 1

Service: 5 pts

Rate and review: 2 pts

Mission *: + X pts or x2 pts

* For each Mission, a dedicated communication will be sent to loyalty Members to specify the number of points they can earn.

Appendix 4: Thresholds

Threshold to unlock a reward: 100 pts

Threshold to unlock BRONZE Status: 0 pts, Open to all members

Threshold to unlock SILVER Status: 200 pts over 12 rolling months

Threshold to unlock GOLD Status: 800 pts over 12 rolling months

Appendix 5: Capping

Capping engagement between 2 rewards: 20 pts limit on engagement points until one reward is unlocked

Capping Birthday: + 25 pts limit on points earned on the Birthday offer

Capping points per transactions: 2000 pts limit on points earned within one transaction

Capping engagement per year: 200 pts limit on engagement points earned yearly

Silver downgrade rules: Within the 40 days following the SILVER upgrade, if a Client’s returns cause a drop of points below the threshold of 150 points earned during the past 12 months, the Client will no longer benefit from SILVER status. The Client will be downgraded to the status of the corresponding number of points.

Gold downgrade rules: Within the 40 days following the GOLD upgrade, if a Client’s returns cause a drop of points below the threshold of 700 points earned during the past 12 months, the Client will no longer benefit from GOLD status. The Client will be downgraded to the status of the corresponding number of points.